On January 28th, 2020 the European Commission organized the ENI CBC Conference 2020. It was focused mostly on the 2021-2027 perspective and preparation of new “Interreg NEXT programmes”. One of the key Commission representatives’ messages was to look for synergies between programmes and strategies operating for the same territory. Clustering and coherence with different initiatives are of great importance post 2020 and will be highly expected by EC from the new programmes.
The final content of regulations constituting the 2021-2027 Interreg legal framework as well as concrete budgets of new programmes are still unknown. Though, prior to the conference, the EC distributed Joint paper on Interreg NEXT strategic programming and its recommendations for particular geographical clusters of programmes. In the recommendations for cluster which includes also our Programme, the Commission suggests addressing the following policy objectives (as specified for the EU Cohesion policy 2021-2027), which were also selected by PBU Joint Programming Committee during its 1st meeting (11th October 2019):
Moreover, the Commission recommends to keep the current geography of programmes, what in PBU case was also suggested by the Joint Programming Committee.
It is encouraging that both EC and PBU JPC have the same vision of the general objectives of the future PBU. In the forthcoming months three participating countries will commonly work on filling it with concrete content.
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