PL-UA 2021-27
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Modification of the Programme for the years 2021-2027

11 / 01 / 2022
Category: Project News

Please be informed that in the perspective 2021-2027 we will continue the cross-border cooperation at the eastern border in the bilateral Programme Poland-Ukraine. The existing trilateral formula of cooperation involving Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus is currently not possible. The Programme will be ready for Belarus to join at a later stage of implementation.

The political situation in Belarus and Polish-Belarusian relations make it impossible to continue work on the trilateral programme. However, we want to make it possible for Polish and Ukrainian institutions to benefit from Interreg funds and implement joint projects as soon as possible

- said the Deputy Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy Jacek Żalek (representative of the Programme Managing Authority), and added:

At the same time we want to support the European perspective of the Belarusian society, so we do not exclude Belarus joining the Programme later on.

Preparations for the launch of the Programme Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2021-2027 have been ongoing since 2019. We will use the results of this work in preparing the Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027 Programme. A bilateral Programming Committee will also be established immediately.

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