PL-UA 2021-27
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Call for additional experts

06 / 09 / 2023
Category: Project News

We are launching a supplementary call for external experts to evaluate applications submitted under the Interreg NEXT Poland-Ukraine Programme 2021-2027 within priority HEALTH.
The purpose of the Call is to identify and select qualified and experienced professionals to join the Programme’s Pool of Assessors to be set up for the project quality evaluation process.
In order to organize the evaluation process in a professional way and to follow the rule of impartiality, we will select qualified and experienced specialists who will be included in the pool of Programme assessors appointed to evaluate projects.

Please find the necessary details in the document „Call for Experts - announcement

Applications are accepted only on the application form, which can be downloaded here.

The deadline for submission of applications is 15th September 2023.


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