PL-UA 2021-27
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Wandering Academy 2023 – summary

17 / 01 / 2024
Category: Project News

"Wandering Academy" is already firmly established in the calendar of the Programme activities. It is aimed at university students as future project staff in many areas of borderland life. In 2023, we visited 8 universities in the Programme area in Poland and Ukraine to show the best project practices from the years 2014-2020, conduct workshops on project preparation and present the assumptions of the new Programme for 2021-2027. Approximately 220 students took part in the classes conducted by Programme experts from the Lviv and Rzeszów branch offices. They represented many fields of study, including international relations, law, economics, management, security, logistics, marketing, history, contemporary culture and family science.

On the Ukrainian side, we visited:

  • Ivan Franko National University in Lviv
  • Lutsk National Technical University
  • National University "Ostroh Academy"

On the Polish side, the universities were:

  • State Vocational University in Suwałki
  • Catholic University of Lublin
  • State University of Applied Sciences in Przemyśl
  • Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
  • University of Warsaw

In the evaluation questionnaires, almost all participants assessed that the conducted classes met their expectations and that the knowledge provided could be useful to them in the future. Students valued the exercises on developing their own framework project the most:

"I liked the real-life examples of projects and the comments on what to look out for when writing them".
"The assignment on how to create a project on your own"
"The discussion of how to go from idea to project development".
"Interesting coverage of the topic and involvement of participants in the discussion"

When asking for comments and suggestions on what we could improve, we found out that participants would like more meetings like this.

Thank you for all your feedback and we look forward to seeing you on the Wandering Academy trail in the new 2024!


Wandering Academy 2023

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