Another year of hard work is behind us – we were still implementing the Poland-(Belarus)-Ukraine Programme 2014-2020 (hereafter PBU) and continued to support our PBU beneficiaries, but we have also already officially launched the Interreg NEXT Poland – Ukraine 2021-2027 Programme and held the first call for proposals. Moreover, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of cross-border cooperation between Poland and Ukraine.
We invite you to read a summary of the 2023 anniversary year in the Programme:

In 2023, the Programme was in the final stage of implementation. The sixth version of the Programme Document was approved.

- 52 approved reports
- presentation of the Programme and its objectives at many events organised by project beneficiaries
- day-to-day telephone and e-mail contacts

The year 2023 brought additional completed projects. As planned, all Large Infrastructure Projects, regular projects, micro-projects and Direct Award projects for Ukraine were completed by the end of 2023. In total, there were 158 projects.

- 26 decisions taken by written procedures

On 31st May 2023, the opening ceremony of the Interreg NEXT Poland – Ukraine 2021-2027 Programme took place.
The Financing Agreement for the Programme between the European Commission, the Government of Ukraine and the Programme Managing Authority was concluded in December.

- Programme Document updated (due to the increase of the Programme budget by over EUR 48 million). The Programme was enriched with new priorities and objectives, its planned implementation indicators were updated
- the Strategic Environmental Assessment Report for the Programme updated and consulted with the public

- 3 Monitoring Committee meetings
- 14 decisions taken by written procedures

- application package and application form in the CST generator
- 2 Partner Search Forums in Lublin and Rzeszów for representatives of over 200 institutions
- partner database on the Programme website on an ongoing basis
- 10 training sessions for applicants in all regions covered by the Programme for more than 1,200 participants
- 2 open days
- Q&A section on the Programme website
- phone and e-mail consultations on a daily basis
Results of the 1st call so far:
- 247 applications received
- 115 applications under the HEALTH priority evaluated
- 20 best projects under the HEALTH priority selected for financing

- 3 projects were fully prepared by the applicants and approved by the Monitoring Committee for contracting

Last year was full of events – we did not only summarise 20 years of cross-border cooperation between Poland and Ukraine, but also launched the new 2021-2027 Programme. In addition, we actively promoted the results of the projects on our website and on social media.

- 20 events for the 20th anniversary of Polish-Ukrainian cross-border cooperation:
- "It's good to have a neighbour", Przemyśl - inauguration of the 20th anniversary celebrations, as well as the official opening of the Interreg NEXT Poland – Ukraine 2021-2027 Programme and the 1st Call for Proposals
- 19 events involving projects across the Programme area (10 in Ukraine and 9 in Poland)
- Youth Education Campaign "Stronger, Healthier – Together!", organised on the occasion of the European Cooperation Day 2023 (EC Day 2023)
- study tour for journalists presenting the results of projects funded by the Programme
- "Wandering Academy" - 3 classes at universities in Ukraine and 5 in Poland
- Grants’ Fair during the Cross-Border Cooperation Congress in Lublin
- as every year, we also participated as partners in a number of events organised by other entities (e.g. East of Culture Festival in Rzeszów, Lublin and Białystok etc.) and in numerous events organised by PBU projects in both countries (conferences, openings, grant signing ceremonies, etc.).

- art competition for children and youth "ECO borderland"
- the TouchingThePast project has been announced one of the 30 finalists of the REGIOSTARS 2023 competition. This was the first ever participation of a PBU project in the final of this competition
- results of the 2022 competition for journalists "Together for the development of the borderland" announced

- 4 summer radio broadcasts about the results of cross-border projects implemented in the Programme area

- 58 news in three languages on the website
- promotion of the results of the projects as part of our regular cycles:
- „Time for Results” – 6
- „Project Stories” – 4
- "PBU in Numbers" – 2
- 39 news in three languages on a new website for the Interreg NEXT Poland – Ukraine 2021-2027 Programme

Last year, we published 137 posts and the number of people who saw our content exceeded 70 000! The number of people observing our profile has also increased - it is now more than 3 100, mainly from Poland and Ukraine.
Thank you for this special anniversary year, for discovering the results of our projects together with us. Ahead of us is another year of intensive work, settling the Programme and projects of the 2014-2020 perspective and increasingly full implementation of the 2021-2027 Programme. In April we will know the results of the call for proposals in the ENVIRONMENT Priority. In the second quarter of the year, we will launch the call for proposals in the TOURISM Priority.
We invite you to visit the websites of both Programmes:
and our social media: