PL-UA 2021-27
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Hospitals from Ostrołęka and Lviv together to increase access to healthcare

02 / 08 / 2024
Category: Project News

On July 29, Deputy Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy Konrad Wojnarowski ceremonially signed a contract for the implementation of a large infrastructure project "Joint initiative of the Masovian Specialist Hospital named after Dr. Józef Psarski in Ostrołęka and the First Lviv Territorial Medical Union in Lviv to increase access to healthcare services" (acronym EMERGENCY).

The ceremony took place at the Masovian Specialist Hospital named after Dr. Józef Psarski in Ostrołęka. The event was attended by representatives of local government authorities, including a member of the board of the Masovian Voivodeship and the Monitoring Committee of the Programme Janina Ewa Orzełowska.

We support initiatives that improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare in Poland and Ukraine. This project will soon allow patients to use the latest diagnostic technologies and modern infrastructure – said Konrad Wojnarowski, welcoming the guests.

The main goal of the project implemented jointly by the hospitals in Ostrołęka and Lviv is to improve the quality of healthcare and ensure the highest possible level of innovation and quick access to medical services in the supported area.

The main activities that the partners will implement as part of the project are:

  1. Improving the accessibility of the hospital in Ostrołęka: Modernization of infrastructure including the Hospital Emergency Department, a helipad and new high-speed elevators.
  2. Equipping with an angiography machine: Modernization of the medical infrastructure of the vascular surgery department of the Lviv Hospital. The angiography machine will enable visualization of the interior of blood vessels and body organs.
  3. Preparation and implementation of modern procedures in:4
       o Emergency medical services – shortening the patient transport time (Ostrołęka and Lviv) in order to improve the effectiveness of treatment.
       o Vascular surgery – modern methods of treating stroke (exchange of experience, training), collection, testing and further dissemination of best treatment practices throughout the Polish-Ukrainian        borderland.

This investment opens up one basic issue for us. We will be able to become a Trauma center. The requirement for trauma centers is that there must be a helicopter landing pad in the immediate vicinity of the Emergency Department – ​​explained Paweł Natkowski

Over 3 million EUR… these are not funds for hospitals, but for residents and potential patients of the hospital in Ostrołęka and Lviv because everything that is done here in the hospital is done for them – added Ewa Orzełowska

Joint actions of the hospitals will contribute to raising medical standards and providing residents of both regions with better access to modern and effective health services.

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