PL-UA 2021-27
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Development of rehabilitation services in Białystok and Volodymyr

10 / 09 / 2024
Category: Project News


Another of the 24 medical projects co-funded by the Programme Interreg NEXT Poland – Ukraine 2021-2027 has officially started its implementation.

A conference opening the project ‘Joint development of rehabilitation services in Białystok and Volodymyr city hospitals’ (acronym RehabHelpPL-UA) was held on 24th July. In addition to the staff of the two hospitals involved from Poland and Ukraine, the event was also attended by i.a. representatives of state and local government authorities.

The project is being implemented by the Independent Municipal Hospital named after Polish Red Cross in Białystok, acting as the Lead Partner, and the Municipal Enterprise "Volodymyr territorial medical association" in Volodymyr. The main objective of the project is to develop cooperation between these hospitals and to develop joint methods and ways of working that will improve the quality of medical services.

Thanks to funding from the Programme of more than 2.3 MEUR, the partners will be able to develop the rehabilitation services they provide. Refurbishment and construction work will be carried out in three wards of the Białystok hospital. The renovated facilities will receive new rehabilitation equipment, an echocardiograph, X-ray machines and specialised beds. In turn, the hospital in Volodymyr will gain an innovative gait therapy and assessment system used to restore and develop walking skills in situations of gait loss, as well as other specialised rehabilitation and computer equipment. Soft activities – study visits and staff training at both hospitals ­– are expected to add significant value to the project.

The project will take two years to implement.



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