PL-UA 2021-27
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First successes of ongoing projects – the PL-UARehab medical project has completed the modernisation of the Rehabilitation Unit

21 / 02 / 2025
Category: Project News

It may seem surprising, as the actual implementation of PL-UA projects from the HEALTH priority has started relatively recently, with many of them in the middle of tendering procedures, modernisation works, purchases and other activities, but... we can already boast the first results of one of them!

On 27th January 2025, the district hospital in Hrubieszów hosted the grand opening of the modernised Rehabilitation Unit with Early Neurological Rehabilitation Subdivision, the reconstruction and modernisation of which took place as part of the PL-UARehab project: ‘Healthy and fit inhabitants of the Hrubieszów district and Lutsk region’. The project officially began its activities in May 2024.

The opening ceremony welcomed representatives of the government, regional and local authorities.

‘The hospital in Hrubieszów is an example of a thriving district hospital that meets the needs of the local community‘, noted polish Deputy Minister of Health Marek Kos, who was present at the opening, and continued: ‘Today, due to the processes associated with an ageing population, it is necessary to create and increase opportunities for round-the-clock treatment, care and rehabilitation in medical facilities.’

The rehabilitation unit of the Hrubieszów hospital receives patients with severe musculoskeletal dysfunctions, after multi-organ trauma. People who have undergone a stroke are also treated here.

The main objective of the PL-UARehab project is to improve access to high-quality therapeutic rehabilitation for musculoskeletal and nervous system disorders in the Hrubieszów district and Lutsk region. Poland and Ukraine share the challenges of ageing societies, which include increased demand for health services. Rehabilitation is particularly needed for seniors, who are more susceptible to disabilities, injuries and strains.

In addition, as part of the project, the Polish partner – Independent Public Health Care Complex in Hrubieszów will purchase specialist kinesitherapy and physiotherapy equipment for in-patient and day rehabilitation wards, which will significantly speed up rehabilitation and facilitate faster recovery. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian partner, the Specialist Hospital in Rozhysche, is preparing to purchase equipment for diagnosis and rehabilitation. In addition, training trips to rehabilitation centres and sanatoriums will be organised, as well as training courses for physiotherapists.

The total budget of the project is 1 598 275.53 EUR, including EU funding of 1 438 447.98 EUR. The project will complete its implementation on 1st May 2026.

Regional television on the modernisation that took place
at the Independent Public Health Care Complex in Hrubieszów


PL-UARehab Rehabilitation Unit

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