Національний університет водного господарства та природокористування
Cоборна, 11
33000 Рівне
Rivne Oblast
public administration
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Петро Скрипчук
"Practical circular economy for the safe use of organic waste in communities" Implementation of a mobile complex of machines and mechanisms for processing: fallen leaves, grass, sorted food waste from restaurants, schools, supermarkets, etc. into biohumus. Profitable business for concentrating machines in one community and serving up to 50 communities in the region. Types of work: production of machines, development of technologies specific to each region, waste processing, soft component (training of all segments of the population from schoolchildren to adults), development of digitalization tools (e-calculators, logistics schemes), etc. The pilot project was implemented in the city of Rivne. Field observations have been conducted since 2019.
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