Долинська міська рада
5 Nezalezhnosti Street
77500 Dolyna
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
body governed by public law
already have partners: no
Iryna Yaremchuk
Project manager
Repair and modernization of children's hospitals in partner communities Hard activities within the project: 1. Purchase of modern equipment for the children's hospitals 2. Renovation work in the premises of the Dolyna Children's Hospital (a historic 4-story building, built in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century as a hospital "Casa Chorych” . Since 1939 - an administrative building, since 1977 - a children's hospital). Soft activities within the project: 1. Training and exchange of experience for doctors from the Dolyna and the partner community in Poland. 2. Information and promotional campaign in Dolyna and the partner community in Poland about the services provided by children's medical institutions in both communities
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