Виконавчий комітет Нововолинської міської ради
проспект Дружби, 27, місто Нововолинськ
45400 Нововолинськ
Volyn Oblast
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Тетяна Кратюк
начальник відділу проектної діяльності та інвестицій
Promoting energy efficiency that will reduce SO2 emissions into the atmosphere: 1. Modernization of the street lighting system of the Novovolynsk territorial community. 2. Modernization of the surgical and therapeutic building of the Novovolynsk Central City Hospital. 3. Thermo-modernization of the premises of the Executive Committee of the Novovolynsk City Council to achieve energy efficiency and transition to European policy in the energy service. 4. Introduction of alternative types of energy (installation of solid fuel boilers, solar power plant). 5. Thermo-modernization of preschool educational institution No. 4. 6.Overhaul with partial thermal modernization of the Lyceum No. 5. 7. Climate improvement through planting ecological plantations.
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