Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу
вул. Карпатська, 15
76019 Івано-Франківськ
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
public administration
Денис Паневник
Доцент (PhD) кафедри нафтогазових машин та обладнання
Development of a database, monitoring system, and procedures for assessing the geothermal potential of unprofitable and decommissioned oil and gas wells in order to increase environmental safety and reduce the country's energy dependence under martial law. The set goal involves the following tasks: - development of an automated information system based on modern programming tools, taking into account the geolocation and characteristics of unprofitable and inactive wells; - creation of the concept of real-time monitoring of oil and gas production facilities and the system of its interconnection with the automated information system; - substantiation of the mechanism for assessing the geothermal potential of outdated oil and gas wells and establishing the feasibility of extracting thermal resources. Implementation of the project will reduce the ecological impact on the environment as a result of depressurization of oil and gas production facilities caused by external intervention in conditions of increased probability of their damage and destruction. Extraction of geothermal energy
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