Кутська селищна рада
площа Вічевий Майдан,9
78655 с-ще Кути
Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast
body governed by public law
Андрій Василькевич
заступник голови громади
Providing the population with high-quality drinking water is one of the priority tasks of Kuty territorial community, the solution of which is necessary to preserve health, improve working conditions, and raise the standard of living of the population. The main urgent tasks for implementing the plan to improve the water supply service in the community are: - Purchasing energy-efficient deep and network pumps with frequency converters; - Drilling additional wells; - Revitalizing existing water supply wells; - Building, repairing, and reconstructing the existing water supply network; - Constructing a water purification system; - Dispatching production; - Surveying the community for the presence of underground sources of water supply.
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