Іршавська міська рада, Закарпатська область
пл. Народна, буд. 2
90100 Іршава
Zakarpattya Oblast
public administration
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Оксана Меренич
Начальник відділу економічного розвитку та інвестицій Іршавської міської ради
Our project is very important and aims to improve the water supply and wastewater management system in the community. Upgrading and modernizing the existing main and street water supply and wastewater networks are necessary to provide residents with quality drinking water and avoid emergency situations. The main objectives of our project include the construction and reconstruction of water supply and wastewater networks, specifically to ensure uninterrupted access to quality drinking water for the residents of our city, including displaced persons. It is also necessary to modernize the wastewater treatment facilities to improve the quality of wastewater treatment before it is discharged into the environment. The modernization of the main and street water supply and wastewater networks is a step towards improving the living conditions of the community residents. It will ensure uninterrupted access to quality drinking water, reduce emergency situations, and improve the state of the environment through more efficient wastewater treatment.
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