Виконавчий комітет Вараської міської ради
майдан Незалежності, буд.1, м. Вараш, Рівненська область, Україна
34400 Вараш
Rivne Oblast
public administration
already have partners: ще немає партнерів у рамках прграми
Ірина Барабух
Начальник управління економіки та розвитку громади
The reconstruction of the water supply system of the Varash community will make it possible to provide the population of the city of Varash (42 thousand people) with high-quality drinking water, continuous control of technological processes of water supply, reduction of energy consumption due to increased efficiency of management and timely implementation of planned and preventive works. Within the framework of participation in this program, it is proposed to allocate funds for the modernization of the water pumping station of II and III elevations by replacing pump units and installing an automated pump control system in the water supply system. The Varash community can share the practical experience of providing the population of the city of Varash with water in the event of a complete blackout in Ukraine.
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