PL-UA 2021-27
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Committee selected projects in the ENVIRONMENT Priority

19 / 04 / 2024
Category: Project News

On April 18, 2024, the Monitoring Committee of the Programme approved the results of the first call for proposals in the ENVIRONMENT Priority. The Committee decided to finance 44 projects (list of projects) out of 132 submitted applications. The selected projects come from all 10 eligible regions of the Programme. The total amount of funding awarded is nearly 82 MEUR.

Deputy Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Konrad Wojnarowski, chaired the meeting, which was also attended by Deputy State Secretary of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ihor Yaremenko.

Thanks to the Committee's decisions, nearly 82 MEUR will be allocated to the Polish-Ukrainian border regions. These funds will support local governments, rescue services, universities, and NGOs to further enhance seurity in the border zone. They will also contribute to improving the quality of the environment in this region, said Minister Wojnarowski.

Funding such a large number of projects important for environmental protection is possible due to the Committee's decision to reallocate funds from the TOURISM priority. The change in the Programme scope and the cancellation of the call for tourist projects were requested by the Ukrainian National Authority, justified by the ongoing war (as reported on the Programme website).

The Joint Secretariat will now inform all applicants under the ENVIRONMENT priority of the Committee's decision, and will start contracting with applicants who accept the offer of funding with a view to signing the grant contracts.

The Monitoring Committee has established also the reserve list of projects for possible future financing – subject to availability of funds (reserve list of projects).

We sincerely thank all applicants for participating in the first call of the Programme and congratulate the selected projects.


Monitoring Committee 18-19 April 2024

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