PL-UA 2021-27
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Launch of call for proposal for the Small Project Fund within the COOPERATION priority

17 / 07 / 2024
Category: Project News

The Joint Secretariat on behalf of the Managing Authority launch the dedicated call for the co-financing proposal within the Interreg NEXT Poland – Ukraine 2021-2027 Programme (priority 4. Cooperation, specific objective 4.2. Build up mutual trust, in particular by encouraging people-to-people actions).

Application submission deadline

Application shall be submitted from 09.07.2024 to 05.08.2024.

Way of application submission

Application and required annexes shall be submitted in e-version only through the WOD2021 system.

Who may obtain the co-financing

In accordance with chapter 2.1 of the Programme Manual for SPF, the institution that may apply for the co-financing within the launched call is:

  • Association of the Carpathian Euroregion (PL).

Support area

The support area is as follows:

  • in Poland – Podlaskie, Mazowieckie (Ostrołęcki and Siedlecki subregions only), Lubelskie and Podkarpackie voivodeships;
  • in Ukraine – Volyn, Lviv, Zakarpattya, Rivne, Ternopil and Ivano-Frankivsk oblasts.

What project may obtain the co-financing

The co-financing may obtain the SPF project, based on provisions of art. 25 of the Interreg Regulation, directed at implementation of the small projects, aimed at development of cooperation through integration of residents of the Programme area in the fields of art and culture, cross-border cooperation in education, integrational initiatives and capacity building in the field of healthcare and safety.

Co-financing amount and co-financing rate

The amount of funds, foreseen for the co-financing within the call equals to 5 111345.00 EUR. The maximum co-financing rate equals to 90% of eligible expenditures. Details are presented in chapter 2.4. of the Programme Manual for SPF.

Project implementation period

Implementation period of the SPF project shall be finalized by December 31, 2027.

Details are presented in chapter 2.10. of the Programme Manual for SPF.

Criteria of the project verification and assessment

Criteria of the project verification and assessment are defined in Annex III. Administrative and quality assessment grid for the SPF project to the Programme Manual for SPF. Information on the principles of the SPF project assessment is presented in chapter 2.7. of the Programme Manual for SPF.

Deadline for the call results

The results of the call are planned to be finalised in September 2024.

Documents, applicable for the call

Application shall be prepared basing on the following documents:

  1. Manual for Small Project Funds
  2. Annex I. WOD2021 Applicant Manual – Application form
  3. Annex II. Templates for Annexes to the Application form
  4. Annex III. Administrative and quality assessment grid for the SPF project
  5. Annex IV. SPF Grant Contract template
  6. Annex V. List of the project-level indicators

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