PL-UA 2021-27
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Autumn rich in signatures of the Grant Contracts

11 / 10 / 2024
Category: Project News

On the 9th of October in Garwolin, Mazowieckie Voivodeship, as many as five regular projects Grant Contracts were signed during a joint ceremony. It was a unique opportunity for the Lead Partners from the mazowieckie region to meet Deputy Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy Konrad Wojnarowski to present goals of the projects and sign the Grant Contracts in front of local and regional authorities, local media and potential beneficiaries. After the ceremony, the number of projects with partners from the mazowieckie region has doubled and reached 10 Grant Contracts in total with the overall co-financing of 19 529 782,93 EUR.

The City of Garwolin, the host of the event, is also the Lead Partner of Interreg4water project supporting the development of sewage infrastructure and improving sustainable water management for the environmental protection and the quality of life of inhabitants of the cross-border area: Improvement of the cross-border environmental protection system in the city of Garwolin and the commune of Siedlce in Poland and in the city of Brody in Ukraine through the development of sewage infrastructure.

Another two projects signed were the initiative of the City of Siedlce performing as a Lead Partner. The CitiesOfGreen project (Development of green infrastructure in the cross-border area of the Siedlce Municipality, Horodok Community and the Privilne Community) involves creating 2 parks on both sides of the border, 9 pocket parks and increasing the protection of existing green areas, while the RESPONSE project (Joint actions in the Siedlce-Ostrołęka Subregion and Volyn Oblast to prepare emergency services for combating fires, natural disasters, and other climate change-related hazards) supports the emergency service to respond to climate change-related hazards. Project activities involve the purchase of eleven rescue and firefighting cars and the Central Alarm System for siren control.

Another project, acronym SAFETY, was signed by the Siedlce Commune and aims at increasing the safety of the environment and the population living in the cross-border area by increasing the capacity and speed of services during rescue operations. Activities include establishment of 2 Modular Safety Centers in Ukraine, purchase of firefighting equipment and 3 fire trucks, followed by trainings. The project title is: Together for safety in the cross-border area.

The last project IFSynergy - cross-border cooperation in SMART management of public water supply systems in Ivano-Frankivsk and Siedlce was signed by representatives of the Water Supply and Sewage Company in Siedlce. The partner of the project is the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. Main objective of the IFSynergy project is to make the monitoring and management systems of urban water supply technologically efficient, and modern. The project activities will provide modernization of the water treatment plant in Siedlce and 40 water pumping stations in Ivano-Frankivsk with new equipment for pressure, monitoring and management; construction of a water supply network in Siedlce and finally purchase of specialized cars for technical services.

All 5 projects are implemented in the priority Environment and will receive 8 750 138,56 EUR of co-financing.

We congratulate the project partners and wish them a lot of success in their ambitious tasks related to the project goals.


Signatures of the Grant Contracts in Garwolin

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