Beneficiaries based in Poland have to comply with Polish law on public procurement. This law is compliant with the Union legislation applicable to procurement procedures. Preparing and conducting public procurement, as well as awarding a contract within the project, shall be carried out in a manner that guarantees compliance with the principle of transparency, fair competition and equal treatment of contractors, including potential contractors. In addition, with respect to all contracts awarded within the project, regardless of their value, the manner of selecting a contractor and awarding authority, it is required that the principle of sound financial management is complied with. Thus, this must be in accordance with the principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness and the reasonability of spending public funds as well as with other conditions for the eligibility of expenditures as specified in the Programme. In order to implement competition and public procurement principles referred to above, contracts within the project have to be awarded pursuant to EU and national regulations on tendering and awarding contracts if the regulations are applicable in awarding the given contract. Beneficiaries in Poland must additionally comply with the competition rule while awarding contracts. Specific rules for awarding contracts for the Polish project beneficiaries are provided in an Annex 12 to the Programme Manual Regular projects Part 1 Application.
Annex 12 to the Programme Manual Part 1 (download)
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