Project type
Regular project
During implementation
1.2 Promoting access to water and sustainable water management
Solina Commune (Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland)
Skhidnytsia Town Council (Lviv Oblast, Ukraine)
Solina in Poland and Skhidnytsia in Ukraine are popular tourist destinations known for health tourism and attractive spa facilities. Although water is a vital resource for both communities, water supply and wastewater treatment systems are far from being efficient and safe. In the Solina Commune, the sewage infrastructure is insufficient, with many households lacking proper sewage systems. Wastewater is often discharged into non-draining or septic tanks. Meanwhile, Skhidnytsia is unable to provide an uninterrupted supply of high-quality water, with over 50% of the water supply network being overloaded and in a constant state of emergency. As a result, drinking water losses during transport and distribution in this network average around 70%.
The overall goal of EcoLinks project is to protect and enhance the natural environment through effective water management. The partners plan to reduce environmental pollution by constructing a 6.228 km sanitary sewerage network in the village of Werlas, located in the Solina Commune. Additionally, the project will help minimize water losses in Skhidnytsia through the reconstruction of a 3.7 km of water pipeline. Ecological workshops focused on environmental protection and water conservation will be held for youth to increase their environmental awareness. To share the best practices in the area of water management, two ecological conferences will be organized. Also, a film titled "Water's Trail" will be produced, focusing on the conservation of water resources and their sustainable recreational use.
The long-term benefits of the project include the protection and safeguarding of rivers, particularly the San River, and groundwater from pollution, as well as improved health and comfort for residents.
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