PL-UA 2021-27
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The goal - healthy human "engines" in Lutsk and Pulawy: improvement of assistance for people with heart attacks and strokes in the Lutsk Community and Pulawy





Project type

Regular project


During implementation




2.1 Ensuring equal access to health care and fostering resilience of health systems, including primary care and promoting the transition from institutional to family-based and community-based care


Independent Public Health Care Center in Puławy (Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland)


Municipal Enterprise Medical Association of the Lutsk City Territorial Community (Volyn Oblast, Ukraine)

TOTAL BUDGET 2 776 772.78 € ENI CO-FUNDING 2 317 772.24 €
DURATION 17 months 01.08.2024 - 31.12.2025

Project description

Cardiovascular, neurological, and oncological diseases are the most prevalent health issues affecting residents in the Polish-Ukrainian cross-border area. To address these challenges, hospitals in Puławy and Lutsk have decided to collaborate, leveraging their combined experience and expertise.

The main objective of the WeCare project is to combat civilization-related diseases in the Puławy district and Volyn oblast. The project partners aim to raise public awareness and improve preventive and diagnostic measures, with a particular focus on neurology, cardiology, and oncology. Both medical facilities will acquire specialized equipment: an Angiographic Intervention System for Lutsk, and an MRI machine, ultrasound machine, hysteroscope, and videocolposcope for Puławy. The hospital in Puławy will also undergo infrastructural improvements, including the adaptation of a room for the MRI machine.

Additionally, the Ukrainian partner plans to develop and implement the Comprehensive Targeted Programme for the Prevention and Early Detection of Cardiovascular Diseases (LUTSKARD). Educational activities, including a study visit, training sessions for medical personnel, and three scientific conferences, will help enhance the quality of healthcare services, keep medical knowledge up to date, and improve clinical skills. A "Handbook on Cross-Border Cooperation for Medical Institutions" will be jointly developed by the project partners.

The achievement of these goals will result in an increase in the number and accuracy of medical procedures performed at both facilities. The hospitals' capacities will expand to serve 95,000 people annually. Coordinated educational and promotional activities will further support the realization of these objectives.

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