PL-UA 2021-27
    • english
    • polish
    • ua

Improving access to eye care in the Polish-Ukrainian cross-border region





Project type

Regular project


During implementation




2.1 Ensuring equal access to health care and fostering resilience of health systems, including primary care and promoting the transition from institutional to family-based and community-based care


Medical Care Centres in Dębica (Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland)


Municipal Non-commercial Enterprise "Ternopil Regional Clinical Hospital" (Ternopil Oblast, Ukraine)

TOTAL BUDGET 2 420 065.72 € ENI CO-FUNDING 2 178 059.14 €
DURATION 24 months 01.08.2024 - 31.07.2026

Project description

Sight plays an important role in everyday human functioning enabling spatial orientation, learning about reality and understanding concepts. The blind and partially sighted people face everyday problems which could be avoided by implementation of appropriate treatment. Refraction defects are the most common ophthalmic problems, both in Poland and in Ukraine.

To address these problems, the project includes activities leading to an increase in the number of ophthalmic operations performed, which will translate into an increase in the quality of medical care in Dębica (PL) and Ternopil (UA). It is planned to develop the existing hospital building in Dębica by constructing an additional part for the operating theatre of the Ophthalmology Unit. This new operating theatre will be equipped with necessary equipment, i.a. a surgical microscope with a vision track. Meanwhile, the Ternopil hospital, which has extensive experience in eye surgery, will equip a unit with devices used for clinical ophthalmic surgery and correction of sight defects.
A new operating theatre and advanced equipment for eye microsurgery will allow Polish partner to conduct trainings on non-invasive glaucoma surgery and retinal surgery for the staff of operating theatre from Ophthalmology Unit in Ukraine. .

As a result, patients will benefit from better access to medical care. With shorter treatment waiting times leading to reduced treatment costs and faster health recovery, including the resumption of professional activities. Additionally, medical staff will benefit from improvement of their qualifications and exchange of experience with other experts.

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