PL-UA 2021-27
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Protection of the border Bug River by expanding the sanitary network in the border communes of Dołhobyczów and Sokal





Project type

Regular project


During implementation




1.2 Promoting access to water and sustainable water management


Dołhobyczów Municipality (Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland)


Sokal Сity Council (Lviv Oblast, Ukraine)

TOTAL BUDGET 2 553 738.96 € ENI CO-FUNDING 2 269 635.16 €
DURATION 24 months 01.10.2024 - 30.09.2026

Project description

Two municipalities located on both sides of the border are facing a common problem: the lack of adequate sewage infrastructure. Many residents in the Dołhobyczów Commune lack access to a sewage network entirely, while in Sokal, the existing system needs renovation. The deteriorating condition of soils, groundwater and surface waters in these areas poses a risk of epidemiological threats.

The CleanBugRiver project partners will tackle this problem together by implementing the necessary actions. The Dołhobyczów Commune will establish a sewer network to facilitate proper sewage disposal. In Sokal, the collective sewage system, which is currently leaky and unreliable, will be renovated. Project partners will participate in study visits and workshops on the Polish and Ukrainian sides to exchange experiences and practical knowledge regarding the management of water and sewage infrastructure. The workshops will mainly focus on developing specific skills and knowledge for employees responsible for managing water and wastewater infrastructure through intensive and structured training sessions. Additionally, competitions will be organised for residents, aimed at promoting environmental protection, reducing pollution and encouraging the rational use of water resources.

The CleanBugRiver project will serve to reduce the amount of pollutants discharged into the natural environment, including the Bug River. Thanks to the partners’ activities, the residents of Dołhobyczów and Sokal will experience improved living conditions, as well as lower costs of wastewater disposal and management. It is also expected that business and tourists visiting the project area will benefit from the project’s outcomes.

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