PL-UA 2021-27
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    • ua

State aid / de minimis aid


Regulation of the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy on the granting de minimis and State aid under the Interreg programmes for 2021-2027

Regulation of the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy amending the regulation on granting de minimis aid and state aid under Interreg programmes for 2021−2027

Regulation of the Minister of Development Funds and Regional Policy amending the regulation on granting de minimis aid and public aid under Interreg programmes for 2021-2027 

Number and name of State aid scheme - SA.111014

Title: Pomoc publiczna w ramach programów Interreg na lata 2021–2027
Commission Case Number: SA.111014


Manual State aid and de minimis aid (pdf) 411.0 KB


How to fill in the information form for state aid

How to fill in information form for de minimis aid

Current form template 


If you provide indirect aid pursuant to Art. 20a or in the form of de minimis aid, information on reporting on aid granted in the SHRIMP system is available HERE.

If you provide indirect aid in the form of de minimis aid, the certificate template is available HERE or can be generated from the SHRIMP system.


Information form for UA Project Partners - state aid

Information form for UA Project Partners - de minimis aid


State aid and de minimis aid in INTERREG projects - presentation  (pdf) 2.85 MB

Recorded material from the trainings

00:08 - 1. Who is a beneficiary of state aid?

13:37 - 2. What are the conditions of state aid?

16:27 - 3. Which funds are public?

20:56 - 4. What is an economic advantage?

24:04 - 5. What is selectivity?

27:20 - 6. When does a distortion of competition occur?

34:03 - 7. When does the impact on trade occur?

47:57 - 8. State aid and de minimis aid in the context of the conditions of the aid.

54:54 - 9. What are direct and indirect aids? Levels of assistance.

1:00:18 - 10. De minimis aid.

1:37:31 - 11. State aid granted on the basis of Article 20 of the GBER.

1:45:27 - 12. State aid granted on the basis of Article 20a of the GBER.

1:53:09 - 13. What responsibilities do you have when applying for aid?

2:01:26 - 14. What responsibilities do you have when providing aid?

2:19:10 - 15. Conclusion.

The amounts of public aid referred to in the training materials have increased following the amendment of the Commission Regulation (EU) No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty. The applicable amounts are given in the State Aid Manual.


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