PL-UA 2021-27
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Special emergency rescue squad of the Main Department of the State Service of Ukraine for Emergency Situations in the Volyn region

Organisation name in national language

Аварійно-рятувальний загін спеціального призначення Головного управління Державної служби України з надзвичайних ситуацій у Волинській області


114 A, Chernyshevskogo Street
43016 Lutsk





Volyn Oblast


Legal status of organisation

body governed by public law

Searching partner from:


Name & surname

Oleksandr Baranovskyi

Position/function within the organisation





Project idea (in English)

Project name: Strengthening the capacity of emergency rescue units of special purpose. Potential measures of the project: Investment component: • Purchase of an all-terrain medical vehicle with a trailer (type C ambulance) – 1 unit. • Purchase of pneumatic frame module in a set - 3 sets. • Purchase of medical kits (medical bags). • Purchase of office equipment. • Joint training in Ukraine (with the involvement of purchased equipment and property). • Introductory conference in Ukraine. • Working meetings/exchange of experiences. The purchase of a car with a trailer, pneumatic frame modules, medical bags and office equipment is necessary for the purpose of creating and operating a Mobile Medical Center to provide medical assistance to the population during the elimination of the consequences of emergency situations of various nature. In the structure of the Main Department, a sector of medical support and medico-biological protection has been created (2 people), also in a subordinate unit - a special emergency and rescue squad, there is a health care p

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