PL-UA 2021-27
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Projects database

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Number of projects: 30

Projects database
Projects title
Project number
Thematic Objective
Lead Beneficiary
Lead Beneficiary country
Lead Beneficiary region
Beneficiary country
Beneficiary region
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Total amount: 107 920 685 €


Environmental Safety - Creation of a Ukrainian-Polish Forest Fire Management Network in the Carpathian Region

LEAD PARTNER: The Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast (Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukraine)


FIRE & WATERPROOF. Cooperation of the civil protection services of Lublin and Rivne

LEAD PARTNER: Lublin Commune (Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland)


Shared initiatives for increasing security of the cross-border area related to resilience to climate change - natural disasters and fires.

LEAD PARTNER: Executive Committee of the Peremyshlany Town Council (Lviv Oblast, Ukraine)


Preventing and removing the effects of climate change by purchasing vehicles and firefighting equipment to fight forest fires

LEAD PARTNER: Siemiatycze Commune (Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland)


Sustainable Water Management: a Way to Revitalise Western Ukraine and Eastern Poland

LEAD PARTNER: Department of Infrastructure of the Volyn Regional State Administration (Volyn Oblast, Ukraine)


Creation of Cross-Border Centers for Preventive Examinations in Lubelskie and Volyn Regions

LEAD PARTNER: Voivodship Occupational Medicine Center, Prevention and Treatment Unit in Lublin (Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland)


TransCare: Cross-Border healthcare and palliative care

LEAD PARTNER: Independent Public Health Care Facility in Siedlce (Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Poland)


Development of palliative, geriatric and treatment care, and also improving the quality of medical services for cancer patients in hospitals of Lviv, Ternopil and Krosno

LEAD PARTNER: Lviv Territorial Medical Association «Clinical Hospital of Planned Treatment, Rehabilitation and Palliative Care» Municipal non-profit Enterprise (Lviv Oblast, Ukraine)


Joint development of accessible and resilient health care for elderly and disabled patients of Bialystok and Volyn hospitals

LEAD PARTNER: Autonomous Public Health Maintenance Organisation Jędrzej Śniadecki Voivodship Polyclinical Hospital in Bialystok (Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland)


A joint initiative of The Dr. Józef Psarski Mazovian Specialist Hospital in Ostrołęka and First Lviv Territorial Medical Union in Lviv as increasing the availability of health care services

LEAD PARTNER: The Dr. Józef Psarski Mazovian Specialist Hospital in Ostrołęka (Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Poland)


Improvement of health safety in the Losice district and Ivano-Frankivsk city

LEAD PARTNER: Independent Public Health Care Center in Losice (Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Poland)


Healthy and fit inhabitants of the Hrubieszow district and Luck region

LEAD PARTNER: Independent Public Health Care Complex in Hrubieszów (Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland)


Polish-Ukrainian Transborder Heart Care Collaboration



Children are the future - investments to improve the quality and accessibility of medical services at children's hospitals in Bialystok and Mukachevo

LEAD PARTNER: Ludwik Zamenhof's University Children's Clinical Hospital of Bialystok (Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland)


Joint development of rehabilitation services at municipal's hospitals in Bialystok and Volodymyr

LEAD PARTNER: PCK Municipal Hospital in Białystok (Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland)


The goal - healthy human "engines" in Lutsk and Pulawy: improvement of assistance for people with heart attacks and strokes in the Lutsk Community and Pulawy

LEAD PARTNER: Independent Public Health Care Center in Puławy (Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland)


Improving access to eye care in the Polish-Ukrainian cross-border region

LEAD PARTNER: Medical Care Centres in Dębica (Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland)


Look inside yourself - increasing access to specialized diagnostic imaging in the Polish-Ukrainian border area

LEAD PARTNER: St. John Paul II Mazovian Voivodeship Hospital in Siedlce Ltd. (Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Poland)


Neuroexcellence Without Borders



Cross-border Interaction for Modern Diagnostic & Therapeutic Approaches at Regional Hospitals of Lublin Voivodeship and Zakarpattia

LEAD PARTNER: Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński Provincial Specialist Hospital Independent Public Health Care Centre in Lublin (Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland)